Archive | July, 2011

Who Does SWAT/QRT Bring to the Table?

6 Jul

Those of us in the tactical community know that outsiders think of us as gun-toting, camouflage-wearing, egotistical men and women who like to “fire for effect” and can’t wait to get “Ramboed up” for the next gunfight at the OK corral.  Within SWAT we don’t frankly care because the basic SWAT officer is too busy training our many skill sets, body and mind for the next response to a volatile situation where everyone looks to us to preserve peace and restored order.  Continue reading

The SWAT and Quick Response Team (QRT) Meeting Point

4 Jul

The debrief – the open, candid, rankless after action discussion of what was done right and what can be done better next time – lies at the heart of the continuous improvement that gives any SWAT or QRT their leading edge. This blog provides a place for open discussion and the sharing of ideas on all things related to special weapons and tactics and quick response.